The Dungeon After-Party – Roleplaying Tips


The Dungeon After-Party – Roleplaying Tips

In response to my Stir Up Encounters with Interesting Locations tips, RPT GM Michael W responded with some cool ideas on what happens after the PCs have cleared an area.

Here are d4 things that might happen after the party has kicked down the door, killed the monster, taken its stuff, and moved on….

1. Clean-Up Crew

The PCs usually leave a trail of corpses behind them. This attracts the “clean-up crew”: slimes, vermin, insects, etc.

These new foes could ambush careless PCs on the party’s exit.

Add foreshadowing by saying some of the rooms are spotless except for a weird trail (like someone drew a mop behind them).

2. The Raid

The party clears an area and finds a secondary exit from the dungeon.

On the other side of the secret door, a group of monsters assembles. They prepare for a raid, having finally discovered the dungeon from which its denizens have been attacking them. Now, they ready themselves to exact their revenge.

If the monsters encounter the PCs, they’ll assume the adventurers must be the evil commanders!

3. Scavengers

As the PCs try to leave the dungeon they stumble upon a scavenging group.

The NPCs or monsters are taking anything and everything of value, thinking the PCs are still busy elsewhere.

In addition, this group has already looted previously visited rooms and set traps and defenses in case of wandering monsters.

4. Rivals

A third group appears:

  1. A PC’s family needs them.
  2. To collect their heads for a bounty.
  3. To deliver an urgent message from the king, queen, patron, or other notable NPC.
  4. To collect the monsters’ heads as a bounty (and they might get upset if corpse obliteration occurs).
  5. To collect their pay from a job the dungeon’s denizens hired them to do, and the NPCs are now willing to listen to the best offer.
  6. Loud noises attracted them, such as a fireball explosion or roaring sounds of battle. “My master is sleeping, please keep the noise down.”
  7. To call out loud that the most celebrated hero/villain with a long puffed-up name is about to grace everyone with their presence.
  8. To collect payment for the fresh recruits they’ve brought for the dungeon’s master.
  9. To rob the PCs thinking the party will be in a weakened state.
  10. They noticed the dungeon entrance that the PCs discovered and neglected to camouflage.

Have more fun at every game!

P.S. When you are ready, here are +4 vorpal ways I can help you with your campaign:

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