Prussian Infantry On The March

Prussian Infantry On The March

With two games on last week’s schedule, painting time was at a minimum.  Given that situation, seeing 48 figures readying themselves to march out from the painting desk by week’s end was a welcome sight.  Work on these fellows has consumed about ten days at the painting desk.  

Mustering out today are 48 Prussian infantry for the fledgling 15mm FPW expansion to the 1859 project.  The 48 figures are distributed across three, 16-figure battalions and make up the 27th IR.  Figures are Lancashire Games.  With the 27th IR on the roster, three regiments of Schwartzhoff’s 7th DIV are in place.  One more infantry regiment to field and the line infantry contingents of my first Prussian division will be in place.  

The 27th IR is composed of the marching figures as opposed to the advancing pose of the prior two regiments.  To my eye, the marching pose is not as well-proportioned as the advancing pose and seems a little awkward.  From here forward, I will stick to the advancing pose which are excellent.

What else is in work?  Well, SYW British cavalry are on the workbench as are another 48 figures for another FPW Prussian IR.  Once I work my way through those figures, more Sumerians are likely to hit the painting desk next.  Having played two games last week, two battle reports are waiting their turn at the chroniclers.  Preliminary data wrangling and recoding for the Great Wargaming Survey results are in process too.  Seeing a significant drop in response in the 2024 survey, a likely and reasonable first topic will be to explore any implications on the reliability of data.  Oh, I would also enjoy weighing in with my thoughts on a recent topic from the Georgetown Wargaming Society’s series of lectures.

These should keep me busy.


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