5 Easy Steps for Ice Bases for Miniatures, this is how?

It has been a while since we did a blog post about anything other than what has been happening or upcoming events. I thought...


 I was pleasantly surprised recently when Helion & Company got in touch with me to say a new edition of Airborne Armour was coming...

It’s been at least a month, so it must be DBA

With my table still needing a bit of clearing post Guadalajara, Chris K hosted. He ordained that we should play more match ups in...

Craig’s Wargaming Blog: 20mm WW2 British Infantry

 This Friday I am heading down to Dunedin for my second game of Battlegroup vs Richard. I have finished my Germans and had them...

XIV Legion Testudo – Rod’s Wargaming

Well, I am still waiting to move into a two bedroom apartment (one bedroom being converted into my study/library/wargame room). The lady who...

28mm Royal Naval Guard “Real Marina” of the Kingdom of the two Sicilies 1848

This is the first unit for my Kingdom of the two Sicilies for my Risorgimento project. I hope that this is the start of...


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