Paperboys XIV Legion – Rod’s Wargaming

In my last post I showed how I made a Cohort of XIV Legion. I have now completed the whole legion. As...

28mm Battaglione di Faenza, Papal army 1848

28mm Battaglione di Faenza, Papal army 1848. Volunteers of the national guardsmen from the city of Faenza.  These are Perry figures from their American...

Wednesday Workbench 31 May 2023 (aka 27 Days Later)

 Oh dear. It seems that I dropped away from posting for much longer than I should have done. Sorry about that.I haven't picked up...

Find, Fix and Strike – The Raft

The Rules Find, Fix and Strike was written by David Manley and published under his imprint Long Face Games in 2019. It is available as...

Grymauch’s Solo Wargaming Blog : Britannia Campaign: Turn 8

 Focussing on the south west, the 2nd Legion deals with a rebellion by the Dobunni tribe and is the setting for the next game.I...

JJ’s Wargames: Nailing the Colours, Battle of the Vanguards

Last Saturday I spent a very pleasant day running two Kiss Me Hardy games of my scenario 'Nailing the Colours, Battle of the Vanguards'...


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