PSC 1/72nd Cromwells

 The first of my PSC kits turned up today, three Cromwell tanks. They are pretty straight forward to put together (after checking out the...

Paperboys Roman Era – Rod’s Wargaming

I haven’t posted anything on this website for the last six months. My lovely wife died very unexpectedly in January, having gone into...

Wargaming Girl: Finished: Fatties At War

 And that's another two figures for Block Wars painted. OK, so that's 5 out of 17 from the first wave, which means I'm a...

Grymauch’s Solo Wargaming Blog : Britannia Campaign: Turn 7

 This action focuses on the 9th Legion's advance on Mona. The Cornovii tribe had previously indicated a willingness to be allies to Rome. As...

JJ’s Wargames: Operation Market Garden Eightieth Anniversary

 If you are an historical wargamer it likely has not passed your notice that this week marks the eightieth anniversary of the start of...

Patreon Exclusives: The World of Gunslinger 2030

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