Four D&D Tips from Star Trek TNG’s Best Episode | TNG The Inner Light This is Season 5, Episode 25, which originally aired on June 1st, 1992. It has an impressive IMDb rating of 9.4 and...

LitRPG Books with Intricate Magic Systems: Where Magic Meets Gameplay

LitRPG books have taken the fantasy world by storm, offering readers a unique blend of traditional storytelling and game-like elements. At the heart of...

Sporting Goods: Climb a crazy pyramid in the genie-made sport of ashjirit!

While popular medieval pastimes like jousting and archery often feature in campaign settings and adventures, other organized sports barely rate a mention. Even in...

The Paperwork of the Undying – 6d6 RPG

Dear InvestigatorThe following email sequence was found on the work laptop of Ms. Charpentier six days after their apartment burnt down and they were...

Ranshima Monogatari Lairland Story – How to get the true ending (spoiler free)

Despite its cutesy look, this game can be unexpectedly dark. Some years ago… wait, how many years is that?! So, uh, many many years ago...

Eye Health Tips for Digital and Tabletop Gamers

Tabletop gaming is a great way to get together with friends and family. Aside from unlocking everyone’s imagination and getting the chance to be...


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