PrBoom Plus – Version 2.6.6 – Out for AmigaOS 4 – Old School Game Blog

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PrBoom Plus – Version 2.6.6 – Out for AmigaOS 4 – Old School Game Blog

PrBoom is a version of the legendary first person shooter Doom, originally written by id Software. I assume most of you are familiar with that game. If you want to read more about it, you can find more information here.

This is PrBoom Plus edition. It was developed by the PrBoom Plus Team. Marek Glogowsky ported it to AmigaOS 4. Here is the link to the GitHub-page.

Version 2.6.6 for AmigaOS 4 came out on OS4Depot today. Here is the link.

Here is a video from Marek Glogowsky showing it running on AmigaOS 4 through QEMU:

That was all for now. Thanks for reading and have a great rest of your day! 🙂


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